Accommodation bookings, Badrallach, North West Scotland
Badrallach a welcoming place...
Book Today

We hope you will visit our very special part of the world and can assure you of a warm welcome to our home. We cannot guarantee the weather but can promise peace, quiet and a good rest. Above all, enjoy your travels!

If you have any enquiries, special requirements, or would like to make a booking you can get in touch via email.

Or you can...

Book the Holiday Cottage & check availability direct at this link

Book your camping trip & check availability direct at this link

Our kindest regards, Chris, Owen & Bo.

Availability check

'Good Friends' Discount

We have made many good friends from all over the world. In their honour a discount scheme now operates. If you visit us more than once in a calendar year a 5% discount will be added for your 2nd trip, 10% for your third and then 15% off all trips thereafter! (Please note that this discount cannot carry over from one calendar year to the next - for example, the discount would not carry over from the year 2023 to 2024).

Leaflet Download

A copy of our leaflet (which contains all the information on this site) will available as a Acrobat Document once re-uploaded. Please see Web Prices for up-to-date prices.

"Our English is not good enough to write down a proper thankyou. Even in Dutch we couldn’t express the way we feel when we are here. From next week onwards we will start counting down till next year. It feels good to know that we have friends in a country we love that much, because there is a saying - Home is not where you live,but where you are understood. Take care and see you next year" - Belgium 2004

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© Richard Cross
En route...

© Michael Stott Badrallach

© Michael Stott
Many friends...

© Michael Stott
...return year on year